Water is a key resource on our planet. It is used not only to sustain life but also as a heat transfer medium for both cooling and heating applications. Water's properties makes it very unique for these applications and thus it is important to understand the characteristics of water and how they can impact the functionality of the specific equipment it comes in contact with. It is also important to understand the properties in order to minimize the use of this precious resource and limit the destruction of the environment.Welcome

The water management and consulting services of CRC are utilized by heavy and light process industries; architectural and design engineering firms; government agencies; fossil and nuclear utilities; and public utilities including municipal drinking water and waste water treatment plants.
Personnel keep abreast of the latest technologies by actively participating in professional associations by providing articles for publications and trade journals, and by acting as presenters and discussion leaders at professional conferences.
Staff members often solve routine and non-routine problems by developing unique
design/operational methods. By being actively involved in these activities, the CRC staff remains among the highest qualified in the industry.